Hello, this is Kota, my third year at Nagoya University School of medicine. 


It was my pleasure to write a report and personal feedback on the second English Dojo held from 12:00 to 13:00 (JST) on March 27. 


This English Dojo was planned by Kaai, a third-year at Gifu university school of medicine, hoping to give many people a chance to speak general English. 

The topics given includes

1. What would you like to do if you had to change your career?
2. Which do you want to spend on your summer vacation, the mountain or the beach? 


The time was limited (only one hour), but we all had a great time. We cannot help laughing all the time!

As to the first question, astronauts seem to be everyone’s dream. One medical student has not given up his dreams of becoming an astronaut yet. I will be close with him before he becomes famous! 

When it comes to the second question, many people want to spend their summertime in the mountain only because they hate worms or insects that exist in summer mountains. We have to improve the skills to deal with not only human patients but also all creatures, including insects! 

As you can see, we choose easy topics to answer, so participants do not have to worry about lacking in their ideas. I suppose we medical students in Japan do not have many chances to speak in English; thus, this plan would benefit these people. If you are at all interested in English communication, please join us! We are waiting for you!! This event is open to any students regardless of membership status. Let’s make as many mistakes as possible together in this session! 


We plan the next session on April 24 from 13:00. 

I’m looking for many people to come!! See ya!


(Sorry for my poor writing! This was my first time to both write a blog itself and write it in English. Please get in touch with me if you notice some mistakes in my report! )