English follows Japanese
正直、日本からビザで留学してる医師の立場としては… ビザホルダーは投票権もないので見守るのみでした。日本メディアが比較的共和党寄りだったのは輸出が要の日本企業に対しての関税措置やトランプさんの強硬な対中姿勢のおかげなのかなと予想されます。また共和党の方が企業向けの法人税や投資家の面などからは良かったのかもしれません。しかし自分は移民で現在自分はまだグリーンカード(永住権)を獲得しておらずビザの不安があり、投資や不動産を買えるほどの金銭的余裕が無いことを考えると現状は民主党で良かったのかもしれません。
Today the result of President election finally came up this morning. Biden defeated Trump and won in Pennsylvania. That game him 20 points jump up from 253 to 273 which exceeded the half / 270. They have fought very close and the team of Trump has been requiring re-counting votes and doing the election again. This chaos seems going on for a while…
Somehow Japanese mass medias have broadcasted more likely to support Trump probably because he tends to be friendly to Japanese companies about customs duties and shows strong attitude to China (a lot of Japanese people don’t like China..).
Let me think… personally. My situation is still vulnerable from VISA stand point and I can’t afford to buy a house/ apartment. so democrats would help the situation a little bit probably but I can’t vote anyway… Let’s see how it goes.