北海道大学医学部医学科5年の棟方裕貴(ムネカタユウキ)です。Occupational English Test (OET) スピーキング練習動画の第5弾です。久しぶりの更新になります。今後はもっと定期的にアップしていけるように頑張っていきます!また、今回からOETの名前を少し変えて、Medical English Practice としていますが、中身は今までとあまり変わっていません。前回同様にイギリスで看護師をしているロッシ真由美さんと現地のスタッフの方の指導の元で行っています。



動画見直して思ったのは、”You know,” というフレーズ、意識せずめっちゃ使ってますね…今後頻度減らしていけるよう気にしていきたいと思います。


動画に関して何でもいいのでYouTube コメント欄の方にコメントをいただけますと、とても参考になりますので、ぜひよろしくお願いします。



<Case & Task>


General medicine department


A 55-year-old man has been admitted for a severe stomach ache and nausea for the last few weeks. He reports that he has had black coloured stools occasionally, when he goes to the toilet. He is a very busy businessman and he is worried about how long he needs to stay in the hospital because he has a plan to fly to the US for his business trip very soon. He also mentions that his GP prescribed anti-depressant drugs for his poor sleep.


Exam this patient and explain to him about the investigation, his condition as well as the treatment plan.    



  1. Choose words carefully and avoid starting your explanations with the worst scenario (e.g. ❌ “What do you think this possible cause is?” – “Cancer.”)
  2. Make sure that you elaborate on everything about the necessary procedure, including why they need it, how they will undergo, and what possible complications may occur.
  3. When it comes to how to carry out colonoscopy for male patients, talk to them gently because they may feel embarrassed.


<Further Questions>

 1. Why do doctors conduct an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy?

 2. How are an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy carried out respectively?

 3. What possible complications can be considered after an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy?