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この度、大学のプログラムで2023年7月30日~8月26日の1か月間アメリカのニューヨーク州にあるJacobi Medical CenterのPediatric ambulatory careにて臨床実習を経験させていただきましたのでこの場をお借りしてご報告させていただきます。


またこの体験談をteam WADA学生インターンの中のプロジェクトの一つである、学生留学体験記として将来アメリカで実習を考えている学生や米国でのレジデンシーに興味のある学生にむけて発表させていただきました。発表では、主に実習の概要や、留学をとおして気が付いた医療現場の日本との違いについてお話しさせていただきました。私自身はじめての公にむけたプレゼンテーションでありましたので拙い発表ではあったかと思いますが、十数名の方が参加してくださり、一か月間の実習で垣間見たアメリカの医療制度や医師の働き方、そして日本との相違点について自分の経験を改めて振り返る良い機会となりました。発表の中で、医療スタッフの雰囲気や働き方について話した際には、実際に海外経験のある学生からのご意見もいただき活発な意見交換がおこなわれました。このように自分自身の感じたことを共有するだけでなく、ほかの学生からの考えも吸収することができ、とても実りのある会となりました。



Hello, My name is Hinaho Arai, currently a 5th year medical student at Saitama Medical University. This summer, I had an opportunity to participate in externship at Jacobi Medical Center in Bronx, NY, United States. I rotated Pediatric Primary Ambulatory  Care Department for 1 month, started from July,30th to Aug.26th. What I did during my externship was basically shadowing to attendings and residents and observeship in special clinics such as pulmonary, hematology and development. All the doctors who I worked with were very kind that they taught me how to examine the patients and some tips not to miss important manifests and symptoms. And for newborn babies, I learned how to examine them and also learned about expected reflex and milestone for each of their ages. Also from linguistic aspects, although it took some time to adapt myself in learning medicine in English, at the end of a month, I felt confident that my medical English skill got better.

On Oct. 14th, I talked about this experience for those who are interested in studying abroad especially in the U.S., and those who are willing to do their residency overseas. This was my very first time to make a presentation to the public, so there was a lot to learn how to make the presentation better. When I introduced the differences of working environment between America and Japan, a student who previously lived in the U.S. performed his opinion and we discussed. It was such a nice opportunity not only to share my experience but also absorb other people’s perspective at the same time. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for those who participated in my session, and also for team WADA for giving me such a precious opportunity.

Thank you very much.