
先日、clinical dojo advanced May 2024 を行ったので、このブログにて共有させていただきます!


少なくとも前回からは皆さんの質問のレベルも、problem representation のレベルも上がったと実感しました!これからも一年間を通してこれからも上達し続けて行きたいです!


history taking の一部

plan and assessment の一部

・Review of Systems の質
・semantic qualifier の使い方

・Problem representation では、患者さんの既往歴ではなく、重要な社会歴の背景も一文目に持ってくること

 当日参加してくれた、エジプトの医学部生である、Mohab から次の文章をいただきました!素晴らしい文章なので共有しますね。

The “Clinical Dojo” session yesterday was really interesting i was curious about the naming 😂but I now know why


Nogi sensei did a great job explaining how to take a thorough patient history. Learning the specific questions to ask was super helpful.

& The session was very interactive. Each group shared their history-taking sheets and then practiced scenarios with the doctor acting as the patient. It felt really well-organized, with a clear flow from taking the history to discussing diagnosis and management plans.

What made this session special was using a real case the doctor had encountered. It was like being involved in his thought process as he worked towards a diagnosis. It felt a lot more engaging than a hypothetical case study.

The doctor’s ability to summarize the entire 2-hour session into a few key points at the end was impressive. It helped solidify the learning for me.

On my side i didn’t put in mind the length of the session:

The only thing that could be improved might be the session length. While the interactive format was great, it did feel a bit long.

Overall, this “the Clinical Dojo” session was a great , informative, and allowed everyone to participate. Thanks for letting me join!

このように、Team WADA ではclinical dojo advanced という、アメリカで医師として働かれている先生から、直接英語による臨床推論を教わるという、とても有意義な勉強会を開催しております。



文責: 徳永康太