ワシントンDCChildren’s National Hospitalpostdoctoral research fellowをしている小林といいます。この度、ポスドクの入れ替えのため新たに心臓外科医のポスドクを募集しています。

当ラボのPIDr.Nobuyuki Ishibashiで心臓外科医出身の日本人です。また、当院心臓外科のEmeritus ChiefであるDr. Richard Jonasが当ラボのsenior investigatorとして所属しています。当ラボは主に小児心臓手術における人工心肺の及ぼす脳発達障害に関するtranslational researchを行っています。具体的には新生児に相当する生後数日のブタに人工心肺を回し、更に人工心肺より特定の間質細胞を注入し脳に及ぼす変化を画像、病理などで解析しています。当ラボでの成果により現在同細胞を使用した治験が去年より始まりました。また、今後小児植込み型人工心肺の動物実験も始まる予定です。心臓外科医は私一人で実験の手術は私とPIの二人で行います。

当ラボはresearch technicianや他のポスドクがMDであったりMDを目指している人多く、人種も様々です。特にUSMLEの情報交換は活発で目指している方には非常に良い環境だと思います。一方で、他ラボとのコラボレーション、治験、clinical researchを含め複数のプロジェクトを受け持つ必要があり、研究にしっかりとcommitできる人が望ましいと思います。参考までに現在の私はプロジェクト5、コラボレーション1、治験1clinical research1 (これは当心臓外科の現チーフとのプロジェクトになります)となっています。






Position Title: Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC

A funded research fellow position is available for aproject led by Dr. Ishibashi at Children’s National Hospital in Washington DC. The laboratory carries out basic and translational research using a piglet model of cardiopulmonary bypass to investigate the impact of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery on Neonatal Brain Development.


The full-time research fellow will work on our collaborative and innovative studies. Tools for state-of-the-art imagingtogether with cutting edge cellular/molecular analyses are available to address clinically relevant questions in child development using preclinical animal model. In addition to techniques utilized in the Ishibashi lab, there are opportunities to collaborate and learn various techniques utilized by other investigators at the Children’s National Research Institute. The Children’s National Research Institute is a highly collaborative environment and offers outstanding core facilities in microscopy/imaging, genomics/bioinformatics and animal behavior. Our laboratory is currently supported by five federal grants with over $2.5M per year in total funding.


Results from our translational program have led to development of a NIH-funded Phase 1 clinical trial termed MeDCaP (Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Delivery through Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery) at Children’s National (NCT04236479). In addition to laboratory research, the research fellow will work on ourclinical trial. In partnership with Children’s National Heart Institute, the fellow can participate in weekly surgery case discussions and daily Cardiac ICU rounds to learn more about congenital heart disease. Our pediatric cardiac surgery team performs hundreds of cardiac surgeries. World-renowned, pediatric cardiac surgeon Yves d’Udekem, MD, PhD, is the co-director of the Heart Institute.


Please learn more about our collaborative research and preclinical animal models through our website:




Desired qualifications include: 

MD, or equivalent degree

– Experience in pediatric cardiac surgery (beneficial, but not necessary)

– Experience in clinical and/or laboratory research (beneficial, but not necessary)


Please submit your interest together with CV to following address:


Nobuyuki Ishibashi, M.D.

Foglia-Hills Professor of Pediatric Cardiac Research

Director of Cardiac Surgery Research Laboratory

Investigator of Center for Neuroscience Research

Investigator of Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation

Children’s National Hospital

Office: 202-476-2388
