



IMG(海外大の医学部出身生)としてのGeneral Surgery Residencyへのマッチはなかなかハードルが高い夢ではありますが、頑張ってみようと思っています。







Team WADAには海外大の方、臨床留学やボランティア留学をした方が多くいます。経験やノウハウのシェアを行うことはやる気を高め世界を広げるはずです。


【USMLE Study】












 Team WADAの学生インターンでは、ここで紹介した活動以外に多くの企画や勉強会が行われています。Team WADAのブログの「Team WADA学生インターン企画」から、他の企画の活動報告を見ることができます。ぜひチェックしてみてください!


 今はオンラインの時代です。日本にいながらも世界中の人と繋がれる環境があります。私は大学1年生のときからTeam WADAインターンに入っていて、世界各地の素敵な人との出会いを通して、多くの知識や経験を得てかなり成長しました。











I am Takeru Kayahara, working as the student intern representative.


My ambition is to pursue a career as a surgery resident in the United States. Although securing a position in General Surgery Residency as an International Medical Graduate presents a significant challenge, I am determined to give my best effort.


In addition to my dedication to medicine, I also have an interest in business ventures. I have undertaken internships at various companies, expanding my knowledge beyond the realm of medicine.


Within Team WADA, my responsibilities encompass several key initiatives:


Student Study Abroad Experience: Our team comprises individuals who have pursued studies abroad, whether clinically or as volunteers. Sharing our experiences and expertise should serve to inspire and broaden your perspectives.

USMLE Study: We are establishing a platform to coordinate USMLE study groups and highlight the achievements of students who passed USMLE.

Interview Project: Through this initiative, we engage in discussions with doctors from diverse backgrounds, seeking insights into local medical information such as matching processes and the working environment.

Supporting the Launch of New Projects: As a core member, I actively contribute to the inception of various initiatives. Our future endeavors include plans for medical information dissemination in Europe, online surgical technique training, and programs tailored to nursing professionals.


In addition to the activities mentioned above, the Team WADA student internship have numerous other projects. Detailed blogs on these initiatives can be found in the “Team WADA Student Internship Program” section of the Team WADA blog.


Our platform facilitates global connectivity, enabling interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds, even while based in Japan. Since joining Team WADA as an intern in my freshman year of med school, I have met lots of excellent students from around the world, enriching my knowledge and experiences.


If you share an interest in our endeavors, please contact us. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work together.